The truth about ME: it's not rocket science. It's neuroscience, by Catherine Van dome, foreword by stand-up comedian Patrick Monahan, introduction by producer/director Stephen Pettinger, 239 pages, ISBN 978-1-7390920-8-5, Bruges Group, 2024, £12.99. This is the story of the actress, the osteopath and the Minister of Defence. No, not the 1963 ...
The Durian Pact is a novel, but it also exists as a Treaty. It is the very real 'Five Powers Defence Arrangements' that tie the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore to the defence of the Malay Peninsula. Originally the threat came from Japan, today the threat is again from the North – from China. That is the premise around which my no...
16th December 1944, western Europe. Hitler launches his last great gamble in the west. Fanatical Nazi soldiers were unleashed on unsuspecting Americans resting far away from where they thought the fighting would take place. The Battle of the Bulge was underway. This film explains the key role that the controversial victor of El-Alamein, Field Marsh...
In Covid-19: The Birth of a Killer, Dr. Jonathan S. Swift masterfully unravels the tangled web of political intrigue, scientific mishaps, and personal ambitions that led to one of the most devastating events of our time—an accidental release of a newly-produced deadly airborne virus from the Wuhan Biological Weapons Research Facility, within the Wu...
The United Arab Emirates is causing increasing concern in democratic capitals. Russia's invasion of Ukraine prompted western nations to impose sanctions on them. The purpose was to constrain Russia's ability to wage an illegal war through economic sanctions. Although a bullies appetite is never sated this has not deterred the UAE and to a lesser ex...
A phrase has come into the Zeitgeist – calling people the "Trump of their field." Elon Musk is the Trump of business. Meloni is the Trump of Europe. Many leaders still do not know how to react to former President Trump; to his decision to control immigration; 3+% economic growth and, especially, to the absolutely justified desire to implement...
By Dr Jonathan S. Swift ISBN: 9-781739-092009 Published By The Bruges Group There cannot be many people who are not aware of the virus classified as Covid-19 by the WHO in March 2020 – indeed some people may have contracted the virus – as did the author of this novel. The pandemic hit the UK in March 2020, and l... is again on the agenda. Different versions of authoritarianism are set against each other driving the rival camps from crisis to conflict. BRICS verses Build Back Better is the new divide. The principles which gave Britain and her allies victory in the last great conflagration have largely been forgotten. With...
By Niall McCrae, paperback, 196 pages, ISBN 978-1-7393152-8-3, eBook ISBN 978-1-7393152-9-0, The Bruges Group, 2024 This is a passionate attack on the new global elite, a small group of people who have risen to the top of corporations and political parties, who have such a high opinion of themselves that they believe they are entitled t...
By Niall McCrae Green in Tooth and Claw is not so much about climate change, but the elite forces that use fear and ignorance to push their agenda. Niall McCrae's fact filled book is a must read for all who value freedom and honesty. A variety of self appointed 'elites' belong to organisations that have been manipulating democracies to ...
This is a fascinating study of British society and politics. There have been various popular insurgencies, including pro- and anti-Brexit, pro- and anti-Scottish separation, pro-Corbyn. Superficial explanations abound - social media, big tech, dark money, tabloid newspapers, fake news, lying campaigns, Farage, Russia, a slogan on a bus. But, as Goo...
You'll rarely find a historical book on any era which takes such a fresh approach to its subject.The thorough analysis of the cultural reasons for victory and defeat (as well as countries' attempts to remain neutral) is such a crucial component that this book can make others appear devoid for omitting the subject, as is so often the case.The author...
This remarkable and comprehensive study of World War II focuses on the crucial role of ideas - moral and intellectual - in the different ways the opposing sides fought, and explains the role of these ideas in the Allies' ultimate victory. The author examines the differing strategies pursued by each of the rival powers, and their tactics and weaponr...
Mr Robert Oulds' new book, World War II: The First Culture War has received praise and plaudits from all quarters. War strategists, academics, and politicians alike have praised his book as detailed, illuminating, and comprehensive. It's a book that goes deeper than merely the events, the politics, or the history many of us understand - it's a...
Robert Oulds new book, 'World War II The First Culture War', is a remarkable literary accomplishment. This is history of a different sort. It looks in detail at nations, cultures and people and examines the reasons for events. Rather than a catalogue, with endless references, of events, it examines the reason for the event(s). When the events thems...
By Isidora Sanger, paperback, 359 pages, ISBN 9798364867902, independently published, 2022, £11.99. Isidora Sanger is the nom-de-plume of a retired medical doctor. In this splendid book she demolishes the case for gender identity ideology. Both the Gender Recognition Act and the Equality Act have been systematically misrepresented to ju...
Karen Ingala Smith, Polity, 2022 This is a brave and eloquent statement of the case for women's rights, especially the right to have women-only spaces. As Smith remarks, "When I talk about women-only spaces, I mean single-sex spaces. From my perspective, a space which includes biological males who identify as women should be recognised as a m...
Compiled and edited by Sarah Phillimore and Al Peters, paperback, 295 pages, ISBN 978-8362927219, P&P Publishing, 2022, £10. This is a very impressive collection of essays and thoughts. The Irish television writer Graham Linehan writes in the Foreword of 'the absurdity, incoherence, misogyny, homophobia and toxicity of the trans movement,...
By Robert Oulds, 67 pages, Kindle e-book, 2022 This is a very useful and thoughtful study of the Battle of the Bulge, which at last gives due credit to Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery for his crucial role in ensuring the Allied victory. Hitler's Ardennes counter-offensive was his last desperate throw on the Western front. The author, Ro...
Kindle Edition by Robert Oulds 'Victors write history', is a disputed truism that today could be more accurately rendered as 'Movie makers create history'. Certainly, Hollywood has done an excellent job of presenting the Battle of the Bulge as an exclusively American victory. The military historian Robert Oulds's new kindle book 'Counteratta...
by John McWhorter, paperback, 201 pages, ISBN 978-1-80075-144-6, Forum, 2022, £9.99. In this brilliant book John McWhorter exposes the new form of anti-racism as yet another new religion, born in that most religious of Western countries, the USA. The author teaches li...
Jeremy Nieboer wrote the excellent 'Climate: all is well, all will be well', published by the Bruges Group in 2021. His new book is another thought-provoking contribution to the debate about climate change. The author, a retired lawyer, forensically examines the scientific evidence about CO2. He shows that CO2 is essential to all life on Earth. Car...
This coming Conference week, The Bruges Group will be hosting the Freedom Zone, from Monday 3rd to Tuesday 4th October. Join us at the Birmingham & Midland Institute, just an 8 minute walk away from the International Convention Centre, where the Party conference will be hosted. At the Bruges Group's panel event, Getting Brexit D...
In this important book, the author Jeremy Nieboer sets out the case for CO2 as a vital element of mankind's survival. It is also a powerful indictment of the UN and Global elite who have so woefully failed to protect the earths population. Shockingly the author explains that this failure is brought down upon us solely by unquestioned submission to ...
Bjorn Lomborg is a visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School and author of The Skeptical Environmentalist. In this thought-provoking study, he writes, "The science shows us that fears of a climate apocalypse are unfounded. Global warming is real, but it is not the end of the world." In 1989, the head of the UN Environmental Program told us w...
In this radical and well-researched book, Dr Steven Koonin examines the science behind the claims that we are experiencing a terminal 'climate emergency'. Some now claim that the science is settled, but this is to call for scientific investigation to cease. Paul Watson, the co-founder of Greenpeace, said, "It doesn't matter what is true, it only ma...
Michael Neu is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Politics and Ethics at the University of Brighton. He writes, "Defenders of just liberal violence … fail to see that any attempt analytically to separate their philosophical arguments from the politics of their time – the attempt, essentially, to engage in apolitical moral philosophy about matters of ...
Anthony Coughlan is known to most of us for his heroic work for the National Platform of Ireland, which campaigns for Ireland's independence from the EU. As Michael Quinn writes, "He has tirelessly campaigned against the centralising and unaccountable EU bureaucracy; articulating instead the alternative case for a Europe of independent and co-opera...
Claire Ainsley is Executive Director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. In this useful book she shows that voters generally have very sensible views about what Britain needs to flourish. She points out that "by Labour's third successive victory in 2005, working-class support for Labour had waned, and non-voting rates of working-class voters i...
Cynical theories: how universities made everything about race, gender, and identity - and why this harms everybody, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay, hardback, 351 pages, ISBN 978-1-80-075004-3, Swift Press, 2020, £20. This is an excellent study of the postmodernism and its offshoots Critical Race Theory and Social Justice. The authors state that ...
Break-up: how Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon went to war, by David Clegg and Kieran Andrews, hardback, 339 pages, ISBN 978-1-785-90706-7, Biteback, 2021, £20. This is an absolutely fascinating account of Alex Salmond's appalling behaviour towards many of his female colleagues, and of the SNP's failure to deal fairly with the women's complai...
Hate: why we should resist it with free speech, not censorship, Nadine Strossen, OUP, 2018. Nadine Strossen is Professor of Constitutional Law at New York Law School and she was the national President of the American Civil Liberties Union from 1991 to 2008. As she points out, "Discussions about 'hate speech' have been clouded by conclusory c...
In defence of democracy, Roslyn Fuller, Polity, 2019 This is a great book. Roslyn Fuller, the Director of the Solonian Democracy Institute, punctures with evidence and wit the arrogance and pomposity of those politicians and academics who tell us what to think and do. After the two 2016 shocks, the majority vote to leave the EU and the election of ...
The radical potter: Josiah Wedgwood and the transformation of Britain, by Tristram Hunt, hardback, 352 pages, ISBN 978-0-241287897, Allen Lane, 2021, £25 This is a splendid study of the great Staffordshire potter Josiah Wedgwood. It is deeply researched and profusely illustrated. Tristram Hunt is Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum and an ex...
Spartan victory: the inside story of the battle for Brexit, Mark Francois, paperback, 464 pages, ISBN 9798484798391, Kindle Direct Publishing, 2021. Mark Francois, the MP for Rayleigh and Wickford in Essex, and chairman of the European Research Group, has written a fascinating account of that part of the battle for Brexit that was waged in th...
The case for a new Bretton Woods, Kevin Gallagher and Richard Kozul-Wright, paperback, 163 pages, ISBN 978-1-5095-4654-1, Polity Press, 2022, £9.99. Kevin Gallagher is Professor of Global Developmental Policy and Director of the Global Developmental Policy Center at Boston University. Richard Kozul-Wright is Director of the Division on Global...
Climate: all is well, all will be well, by Jeremy Nieboer, paperback, 71 pages, ISBN 978-1-8380658-5-0, Bruges Group, 2021 This is a very fine, thought-provoking contribution to the debate about climate change. Jeremy Nieboer proves that there is no tenable scientific basis for the proposed vast spending on the folly of decarbonisation. The author,...
Material girls: why reality matters for feminism, by Kathleen Stock, hardback, 312 pages, ISBN 978-0-349-72660-1, Little Brown, 2021, £16.99. This is a splendid critique of the vexed theory of gender identity and of the unfortunate practices to which it gives rise. This theory is that we all have an inner feeling known as a gender identity and that...
Trans: when ideology meets reality, by Helen Joyce, hardback, 311 pages, ISBN 978-0-86154-049-5, Oneworld, 2021, £16.99. This is a very fine book, which puts the case for an objective, scientific and humane approach to the vexed questions of gender, sex and identity. Helen Joyce is Britain editor at The Economist. She observes that science shows th...
Congratulations are due to the Bruges Group for the timely publication of Climate: All Is Well, All Will Be Well, by Jeremy Nieboer. This is a scholarly and well-written publication, displaying immense intellectual rigour. It needs to be read by every MP and policy-maker. We do not agree with each of Nieboer's conclusions. In particular we do not a...
Fake invisible catastrophes and threats of doom, by Patrick Moore, paperback, 207 pages, ISBN 978-8-5685-9550-2, independently published, 2021, £22.95. This excellent book, by a scientist who was a co-founder of Greenpeace, exposes the bad science behind so much of the current wave of climate alarmism. Moore notes that "the great majority of ...