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The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.
The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.

Bruges Group Blog

Spearheading the intellectual battle against the EU. And for new thinking in international affairs.

Mark Francois: "Boris will be Battling for Britain in the EU Trade Talks"

Mark Francois MP's speech to The Bruges Group annual conference - YouTube The Bruges Group were honoured to have The Rt. Hon. Mark Francois MP, Chairman of the ERG, address our annual conference at Buckingham Gate in London on Saturday 7th March. The Bruges Group conference proved, as ever, to be an immen...

  4892 Hits

Investing After Brexit: Is Bitcoin Your Best Hope?

Brexit is finally underway. By January 2021, the UK will be in a new position to help redefine itself in the world of global trading. Hopefully, it's going to put the country in a far more flexible economic environment. Free from the shackles of EU trading coffers, exciting times lie ahead, not only for businesses and their owners but for everyday ...

  3656 Hits

What is wrong with the EAW

The first mention anywhere of a European Arrest Warrant is in the text of the EU's Corpus Juris project for an embryo criminal code, where it is called a "European Warrant for Arrest". Article 24,1,(b), says "A European Warrant for Arrest, issued on the instructions of the European Public Prosecutor by a national judge (...) is valid across the who...

  3928 Hits

The Common Agriculture Policy - How Brexit Gives Britain's Agriculture Sector a Boost

Brexit provides British agriculture with the chance of a lifetime. While the EU is desperately trying to find the money to prop up its ailing and corrupt Common Agricultural Policy, Britain can plan for a productive future.  Free from the chains of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, we can now consider how to feed ourselves, look after our c...

  4817 Hits

An Invisible Warfare

The European Union is facing one of its biggest challenges with the departure of one of its largest financial contributors in a midst of a widespread debt crisis. The United Kingdom on the other hand may have avoided one by implementing the 2016 referendum results thanks to Boris Johnson's thumping majority at the last General Election in Dece...

  4560 Hits

Boris Johnson Initiates Review of Defence and Foreign Policy Post Brexit

Boris Johnson recently unveiled the United Kingdom's defence and foreign policy review details after the country's exit from EU. The move is in an attempt to establish UK's security strategy for the period of next five years. The six-month exercise is the next step in Johnson's assertion of control after the controversial and much-talked-about Cabi...

  3937 Hits

Brexit's Impact on the Energy Sector

Now that Brexit is official, a lot will change. The economy of the country will be more independent, but there are a lot of challenges as well. The United Kingdom has traditionally relied on the EU for workers and materials, the country will have to transition to using more services and employees domestically as well as negotiating trade deals with...

  4233 Hits

How Green is my Stove?

When my late father was demobbed after the war in 1946 he returned home to Birmingham to no work and the dole. As he had been a bricklayer before the war and worked on many properties for one building company building chimneys and sorting out flue problems, to make a bob or two to pay the rent he made a fireplace out of concrete in the backyard whe...

  3899 Hits

An Open Letter to Steven Barclay

We are scheduled to begin what will hopefully be our last trade talks with the EU; I suspect we can be sure of a bumpy ride featuring the same of old EU tricks of deceit, mendacity, obfuscation, procrastination, threats and attempts to undermine our position through appeals to the Brussels 'Fifth Column' that is apparently still alive and well, and...

  4560 Hits

7 Golden Rules to Live A Successful Life

Whenever you hear the word success, your own idea of success comes into your mind. Some might think that getting a highly paid job, and owning a car and a house is being successful. Some might not care about these things at all. It doesn't matter what success means to you. What matters is that you understand the difference between success and the p...

  9147 Hits

The Relationship Between Politics and Education

This article entails the importance of politics and education as well as key reasons why it is essential to improve their symbiotic relationship. Why Political Awareness Should Be Enhanced in Schools Most people tend to wonder why it is essential to enhance political awareness in schools. Should you find yourself in a scenario where a debacle ensue...

  30985 Hits

Watching Boris

The look on my left leaning parents faces was a picture of horror as they stared down at my eight year old self, they looked at each other and said in shock and in unison: "Our son's a Conservative".  My dear old dad, who I loved during all 84 years of his life, had been a member of the Communist Party in his youth, that was until they asked h...

  4465 Hits

In Memoriam: Hugo Van Randwyck

In Memoriam, The widely-admired political activist Hugo van Randwyck, passed away on Sunday, 26 January 2020. Hugo was born in the Netherlands in April 1962 to Dutch parents; his father was Baron Frans Otto van Randwyck. He was brought up in Hong Kong, Japan and South Africa and educated at Great Friars Prep School and Felsted Public Scho...

  6037 Hits

An Intellectual Tantrum: The EU Cult in Universities Refuses to Accept Brexit

A good education is a ticket in life. Graduation at a prestigious university followed by a professional career, all the hard work rewarded with a steadily rising salary, a nice home and exotic holidays. But material wealth isn't everything. The privileged middle class assumes moral superiority, as expressed in values such as 'no borders', the fads ...

  12009 Hits

What Role Does High Quality Education Play in the Development of an Economy?

What is the reason that makes college graduates earn significantly more than individuals without a college degree? What is the correlation between any country's economy and its schooling system? Understanding the existent link between a nation's education system of a nation and its performance economically is crucial for comprehending why some work...

  4947 Hits

Unelected Brussels Will Never Stop Making Law - Because Its What They Are Paid Handsomely to Do

A thought for BREXIT.  Anne Widdecombe interviewed on Channel 4's 7pm news 31 January 2020 about the UK's imminent departure from the EU commented on how helpless she felt as a British Minister as law after law emerged from Brussels and how pleased she is now the UK is leaving. Its not a moment too soon. The Directives and Regulations are now ...

  3946 Hits

Why Politics in Education is a Huge Problem

Presidents and Senators are unsuitable for running educational institutions just like they are unsuitable for running sites of construction work. It is high time that the education system reflected this to curb the educational crises being experienced currently due to political interference. The corporate paradigm's principal flaw, as is frequently...

  4438 Hits

Post Brexit Priorities

Boris Johnson and the Conservatives winning a more than impressive 365 seats last December, it gives the PM a working majority, something we haven't seen since the close of the Blair/Brown era.It is fair to say that the next step of Brexit will soon be taken; having left the EU further delays for implementation legislation were not tolerated. But w...

  5895 Hits

Communitarianism and the Suprastate

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." JRR Tolkien. Although the bunting is out for Brexit in the wake of a resounding victory of a Conservative Government, ...

  5075 Hits

What Boris Did Next

I will be celebrating the 'New year' on 31st January 2020, although I cannot help be a little annoyed by the fact that we have to celebrate at 11:00 rather than 12:00 – presumably for the convenience of Brussels! Having said that, it is a very small price to pay for our freedom. This year will be momentous, as not only are we escaping the EU, but w...

  4706 Hits

Aid - a History of Waste and Self Harm

The first part of this article describes my experience of aid, starting over 40 years ago in Africa, and then in the ex-Soviet Union. Some will hotly deny my conclusions, but their veracity is only too apparent in the current state of the world and the decline in western values. Part one deals with the background and part 2 illustrates it...

  10578 Hits

How to Use CBD Oil for Healthier Skin

CBD oil boasts a number of medical and health benefits, counting those that can improve skin conditions. CBD oil has moisturizing qualities and nourishing vitamins that are required for healthy skin. If you feel that CBD oil is a bit too pricey for you to purchase, then you can grow cannabis plants in your backyard or kitchen garden. This way, you ...

  5304 Hits

Rise of the New Trade Unions

In Quentin Lett's estimable tome, 50 People Who Buggered Up Britain (2009), there was one surprising entry for a writer of such conservative leanings: Margaret Thatcher. The rationale for inclusion was her government's aggressive attitudes towards trades unions, especially the rough handling of striking miners at Orgreave in 1984, along with her lo...

  6715 Hits

Brexit Done - Bar the Shouting?

So, Boris Johnson has now won the election with a very comfortable majority, on a ticket to "Get Brexit Done". Corbyn has lost decisively, and Jo Swinson was not even re-elected. The SNP has increased the number of its MPs, and Sturgeon has raised her voice again to demand a second independence referendum. However she appears not to have worked out...

  4814 Hits

A Four Point Plan to Preserve the Union: Preventing a Border Emerging in the Irish Sea

The Brexit Agreement and regulatory checks affecting Northern Ireland By Simon McIlwaine An aspect of the Prime Minister's withdrawal agreement with the EU causes much anxiety among supporters of the UK's withdrawal and Northern Ireland in particular. Whether or not there is going to be any kind of internal UK border is causing great concern i...

  4980 Hits

Ignorance or Arrogance or Both – a View on Remain Elites From an Ordinary Leave Voter

On 24 June 2016, when the Brexit Referendum result was announced, I was thrilled. The Great British Public had voted to take back their nation and return to self-determination. However, my excitement swiftly dissipated, as in the following years, Brexit was progressively watered down and smear campaigns about Brexit, or 'Project Fear' as they becam...

  6576 Hits

How to Preserve British Sovereignty During the Transition Period?

Looking ahead, let us suppose that Boris Johnson wins a majority of seats on 12th December, as hoped. He has then promised to have his "Withdrawal Agreement" Treaty with the EU ratified by Parliament, possibly by Christmas. From then on, according to some optimists, it should be plain sailing to "Brexit" on 31st January, whereupon a "Transitio...

  6788 Hits

Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming: a Review and a Few Facts

The purpose of these notes is to present some facts about the campaign to stop global warming and climate change.  The climate has changed in the past, is probably changing now, and will change in the future.  The campaign is trying to stop the unstoppable. The natural factors affecting global temperature are very powerful: terr...

  7718 Hits

The Future is East, Time for Electoral Realism

We recently returned from a trip to S.E. Asia, mostly holiday, but meeting with some of my wife's clients too. Smog, created by Indonesian farmers' crop burning joined the humid heat to hang like a blanket over Bangkok, our first stop. The difference to late September London was a shock. Less of a shock was driving on the left and familiar names li...

  5101 Hits

BREXIT - Science Proves Project Fear "Expert forecasts .. no better than dart-throwing monkeys."

Who is better at predicting: the expert or the novice or someone else?  Intuitively people believe experts. But science tells us a very different story.  And Brexit provides some startling evidence in support. When forecasting "... experts performed worse ... than dart-throwing monkeys" 2001 Nobel Laureate Professor Daniel Kahnemann expla...

  6178 Hits

Brexit Party MEP: 'Boris' Deal is NOT Brexit'

This article was initially published on BrexitCentral by Brexit Party MEP, Ben Habib  Ben Habib believes there is an "understandable desire amongst many Brexiteers to accept Boris Johnson's deal". Everyone is battle weary, but it is preci...

  5265 Hits

Flawed Outcome is a Tolerable Price to Pay for Our Freedom

Initially published in The Daily Telegraph by Martin Howe QC, Chairman of Lawyers for Britain  First, the positives. Boris Johnson's deal is miles better than Theresa May's ghastly capitulation. The Northern Ireland backstop protocol in the Withdrawal A...

  5085 Hits

Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Eventually we have a Brexit deal that has been approved by the partisan Parliament, in what is hopefully their last ever appearance on our television screens for some of this current batch of members. As was doubtless their intention, they have left the government, and Boris in particular, with a major problem, and many of those who have deliberate...

  5118 Hits

SNP is Failing on a Daily Basis

Beset by failure in running Scotland, at the SNP party conference in October leader Nicola Sturgeon was forced to bring forward her plan to hold a second referendum on Scottish independence in 2020. With all the SNP's legal moves against Brexit fizzling out or falling on stony ground, it has been forced by the success of Brexit arguments to reveal ...

  11521 Hits

Guilt, Identity and Blame

The strength of democracy is that no one ideology will ever triumph over the others. Its weakness is that they all retain that ambition Britain seems to have gone insane, or at least (anti-)social media has. Politics dominates, but not rational political discussion. Legitimate news media has been swept aside by online propaganda rags describing the...

  5137 Hits

How Brexit Affects the EU Educational System: 7 Things to Be Aware Of

With notorious Brexit going on, the United Kingdom's situation has become a real precedent in the European Union. Even though the right to leave the union was granted to every state entering it, EU policymakers naively hoped there would be no one willing to leave the prosperous entity. Being the first, Great Britain faces a lot of bureaucratic prob...

  9609 Hits

Magic and Tricks

Boris Johnson has really taken us on a ride here. The trick, ladies and gentlemen, was to make us believe that he intended to take us out of the European Union with or without a deal, even with the Benn Act and all will be revealed in time and it was. There was no way he could avoid the Benn Act so didn't just send one letter to the European Union ...

  4515 Hits

The Loopholes of the Surrender Act

As I assume you know, the Benn Act, or more commonly known as the Surrender Act, isn't the most well thought out piece of legislation, as lined out by Chair of Lawyers for Britain Martin Howe QC at The Bruges Group 'Moment of Truth' event in Manchester during Conservative Party conference. This article will outline the loopholes that Boris Johnson,...

  11982 Hits

The Revised Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration: a briefing note

The Revised Political Declaration Introduction So far as we are aware the only material changes in the Withdrawal Agreement (Treaty) are to the NI Protocol, which means that the critical ECJ oversight and Art 184 link to the Political Declaration remain. I am told by UKREP that there are two changes to other Articles in the Treaty but they were una...

  60333 Hits

Time to Flip the Script for Brexit Negotiations

The reaction of the European Union negotiators and heads of state to Prime Minister Johnson's recent slate of proposals for eliminating the Irish backstop has exposed a fundamental truth about the Brexit negotiation process. So long as the EU must consent to British proposals for leaving under Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union, the EU ...

  5019 Hits

Trade Deals, the Ins and Outs for Post Brexit Britain

What's so good about free trade agreements? They make the rich richer, workers poorer, and they rob countries of the ability to plan. For decades we have been told that global free trade – where goods can be imported and exported without restrictions or tariffs – is the route to prosperity. Impressive international institutions have been const...

  5124 Hits

A Re-heated Vassalage Treaty will be the Mother of All Betrayals

The week of 14th – 19th October will be one of the momentous weeks in British political history. Prime Minister Johnson will attend an EU summit in Brussels on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th October. On Saturday 19th October, the House of Commons will sit in emergency session for the first time since 1982. During this summit he will potentially agre...

  5701 Hits

The Summary of a Judicial Crisis

On 28 August Gina Miller applied for judicial review of the decision to prorogue Parliament, seeking a declaration of the court that the Prime Minister's decision to tender this advice was unlawful. On 6 September, the High Court of England and Wales granted Ms Miller permission to bring the application but then unanimously dismissed the claim. The...

  5450 Hits

One Ring to Bind Them

Every nation has its flag, here in the UK we have an assortment of flags, one each for the different parts of the Union. Scotland has its saltire, Wales has its red dragon, Northern Ireland its Ulster Banner and England the cross of St George which, despite being seen flying on many traditional churches, is the one flag that those on the left of po...

  5134 Hits

A Couple of Weeks ago the EU Court of Justice Was Widely Hailed for Having Struck a Blow for Free Speech...

But don't cheer too loudly yet! As you probably know, an important part of the mammoth EU General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, concerns the "right to be forgotten". This essentially means even if an article about someone is already in the public domain, search engines like Google or Yahoo, and news websites that provide search functionality...

  4897 Hits

Britain Is Being Sucked Into The EU’s Military Structures; What Will PM Boris Do About It?

By Andrew England Kerr MEP We've seen the usual tired old politics. What I haven't seen is any realisation of the real danger this country faces. Perhaps you have to see it first-hand to understand the true scale of it. I have over the past three weeks. I've watched the true force of the Franco-German domination of Europe as key positions are divvi...

  8501 Hits

The Facts About Brexit

Authors: Ethan Thoburn, and Charles Wynne  There are plenty of people talking about no deal Brexit at the moment and with Boris Johnson looking ever more likely to deliver that, we at The Bruges Group thought we would put together sort of a fact sheet on No Deal and how it won't leave us on a so called cliff edge as lots of the media like...

  9658 Hits

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

I would hazard a guess that the majority of people in the country are by now exceedingly fed up with the Brexit saga, and just want us to leave at the earliest opportunity. This view has even been expressed by 'remainer' friends of mine, most of whom appear to have accepted the outcome of a democratic referendum, even though they disagreed with it....

  4812 Hits

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

There is probably no greater struggle in life than the one with oneself. The European Union has always been a contentious issue in this country this is why David Cameron decided to call a referendum. The so-called Remainers believed wholeheartedly that they could win it and lay to rest once and for all oppositions to the UK's EU membership, but it ...

  4199 Hits

Deal? Withdrawal Agreement? Treaty?

The same four-letter word is being constantly branded around by the media. Whether talking about Theresa May's legacy, or discussing Boris Johnson's new negotiation, it never fails to disappear. That four-letter word is "deal". Yet this "deal": offered by Brussels, sold by Theresa May, defeated by MPs; seems dangerously close to being reborn. This ...

  5070 Hits

An Unholy Alliance

The left were always solidly against the Common Market and remained so as it evolved through the EEC to EU. The reason was simple. Its rules stood in the way of a Socialist state. Blair, having defeated Clause 4, became an ardent advocate of the EU and repositioned Labour as a centre party. Labour has always been a target for extremist entryism and...

  6110 Hits

Time for a Royal Commission

Eighty minutes on the clock, and after some dubiously-awarded penalty kicks, the side in blue shirts with yellow stars is on the cusp of victory. In a moment of high drama, Boris Johnson grabs the ball and makes one last desperate lunge. Forcing his way through the serried ranks of naysayers, he gets the ball over the line. Brexit at last? We live ...

  5373 Hits

Boris Binning the Backstop Isn't Brexit

1. This Agreement – even without the 'Backstop' - will put the UK under the de facto jurisdiction of a group of 27 foreign powers, leaving the UK powerless to veto laws or procedures affecting the UK and its citizens. (Articles 4, 86, 87, 89, 132, 168, 174) 2. The EU27 can make decisions behind closed doors which can profoundly affect British busin...

  11101 Hits

Boris Johnson Should Beware Resuscitating the ‘Dead’ May Deal – Even Without the Backstop

This article was originally published on BrexitCentral by Christopher Howarth, Let’s start with some recent history: the reason Boris Johnson is Prime Minister is because Theresa May’s draft Withdrawal Agreement...

  6726 Hits

Why as a Conservative Member, I support Farage's Clean Brexit

A Withdrawal Agreement isn't a managed, amicable departing of ways, it is an unnecessary albatross around the neck of Albion – we must leave without one. Since late 2017, I have concurred with the view that the entire process of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which allocates of two years of negotiation between departing member-state with the...

  5884 Hits
1568699240263_237 Sally Wright, Robert Wright and I with Charles Moore at the Institute of Directors earlier this year

'Why we Support Brexit': Robert and Sally Wright

Interview with Alice Grant: 'Why People Support Brexit Series' - Bruges Group Blog By Ethan Thoburn After previously speaking to Brexit supporting student Alice Grant and then royal superfan and former Labour Party member Joseph Afrane, this episode I spoke to the organisers of the '...

  6803 Hits

Project Fatigue

Project Fear 3.0 has been in full swing since the summer as we approach 31st October 2019, the third date for leaving the EU. The unfortunate citizens of the UK who wish to leave the European Union have been fed wall-to-wall saturation coverage of how terrible Brexit will be. TV stations, newspapers, magazines and social media advertisements contin...

  7929 Hits

Boris' Brexit Options

Initially published on 13th September and updated on 26th September  With the Brexit pea soup not looking any clearer whatsoever, Boris Johnson's hopes of an early general election are fading by the minute as I type this and of course Parliament being prorogued from the evening of Monday 9th September until 14th October. It's interesting to se...

  6129 Hits

Dominic Grieve: The Legal Profession’s Cheerleader

It often thought that lobbying, the professional representation of private interests to governments and subsequent attempts to influence policy, was confined to industrial-like political powerhouses of Washington D.C., the capital of the free world, and Brussels, the de facto capital of the European Union. In the US, the currency within lobbying is...

  6861 Hits

In War, Truth is the First Casualty

Make no mistake about it, we are at war, and it is one of the dirtiest wars yet fought, in which the truth has been hijacked by the 'Remainers' and twisted to suit their personal agenda. Look at what has happened over the last three years, and especially over the last three months: those who never wanted to leave have stepped up their campaign of l...

  6380 Hits

Our Fight with Brussels Does NOT End on 31st October

Our fight with Brussels does not end on the 31st of October. This wider conflict that Brexit represents is between sovereign nations and supranational organisations, between self-determination and central planning of the most wicked intention. In order to capitalise on our departure, we must first recognise a weakening, Brussels is tightening its g...

  6460 Hits

The Benefits of Leaving the EU

We often hear much wailing and doom and gloom from those who, for various personal and mostly self indulgent financial reasons, why we should remain in the EU. These people, who many have big fat EU pensions or receive grants and other hand outs from the EU seem to care little for the democratic will of the British people who, by a majority of 1.4 ...

  29442 Hits

Cry "Havoc!" and Let Slip the Dogs of War

When the history of Brexit is written, two primary mistakes will stand out. One was the Conservative party's decision to appoint Theresa May as its leader and the country's Prime Minister. The second was by the 27 member states of the EU. They appointed a team of EU federalist fanatics, rather than pragmatists, to negotiate our exit. They saw the n...

  6480 Hits

Differently Democratic

In June 2016 a scandalised fellow academic asked me in a London restaurant why I was wearing a Leave badge. To my mention of the woeful lack of democracy in the EU he told me, as he would a backward student, that from my blinkered English position I clearly didn't understand the EU's fierce commitment to democracy. It was, simply a matter of being ...

  7212 Hits

Interview with Joseph Afrane: 'Why I Support Brexit Series'

As I outlined in my last article, my interview with the fantastic Alice Grant, that I am researching why people support Brexit, from all different backgrounds and in this edition of The Brexit Series, I spoke to campaigner and self-proclaimed 'royal superfan' Joseph Afrane. Many of you may have seen Joseph out and about in London and especially aro...

  6817 Hits

The Commonwealth and Brexit

How the Commonwealth can invigorate Brexit Britain and return the UK and her economy to the top of the world and international politics. Brexit Doom-mongers in the media and politics will have you know that once we have left the EU, the UK will be cast away, reliant on a self-obsessed US president and unable to speak with confidence in the world. H...

  8446 Hits

Interview with Alice Grant: 'Why People Support Brexit Series'

Over the past three or so years, us Brexiteers have been labelled with all sorts of names such as fascists and racists, among others. There is an ever-growing perception that we are all over 80, own grand estates and are on the far-right wing of the political spectrum; let me tell you we are not! I have spoken to people from all backgroun...

  37642 Hits

The Brexit Speeches

 The following article and above PDF are speeches by Richard Tice MEP for the Brexit Party and also property businessman; Swedish-British billionaire businessman Johan Eliasch who is CEO of sportswear giant Head; Sir John Nott the former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry then Defence under Margaret Thatcher; Peter Lilley the former Sec...

  6217 Hits

Now's the Time for a Special Relationship More Than Ever

Today we'll know who our next Prime Minister will be, and Wednesday will see the Maybot's last PMQT before she heads off to formally resign to the Queen at Buckingham Palace on the afternoon. No matter who our next PM will be, either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt, we need to rebuild that special relationship with our closest ally, America.  We'...

  5202 Hits

Scottish Independence: SNP Are Just 'Yes Men' For the EU

The Scottish National Party's minority administration in Edinburgh is trying to contribute to the attempt to foil Brexit and the struggle to achieve sovereignty and independence for the whole of Britain. But it's not doing well… While efforts in the British parliament to halt our exit from the EU are being roundly defeated, pro-EU fervour has conti...

  7032 Hits

An Existential Crisis: We Are Threatened by a Parliamentary Coup

 Sir Austen Chamberlain, speaking about Germany's violation of the Treaty of Locarno, remarked: "It is not so long ago that a member of the Diplomatic Body in London, who had spent some years of his service in China, told me that there was a Chinese curse which took the form of saying, 'May you live in interesting times.' There is no doubt tha...

  6225 Hits

You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It

Having one's cake, eating it - demanding more, and eating that, has long been a feature of the EU Brexit negotiating team. A recent example of their hypocrisy is to be found in the wave of faux outrage over Boris Johnson's threat that if he became PM, he would refuse to pay the £39 billion that Brussels is demanding from us. In terms of the race fo...

  6245 Hits

The Swiss Stand Firm Against the EU Bureaucracy

Switzerland and the European Union have begun open financial war with each other as the EU tries to force the country to sign the proposed Framework Agreement covering all aspects of the country's relations with the EU. The EU has been forced into a hardball approach to Switzerland because with Brexit still unresolved it cannot afford to be weak. I...

  5450 Hits

Now Finish The Job

The latest attempt by would-be Brexit wreckers was defeated in Parliament last week. But the job is not yet done. They will try again. We have to keep the pressure on untrustworthy Westminster politicians of whatever party. On 12 June the Labour Party led an attempt to tie the next prime minister's hands by ruling out no deal on leaving the EU. It ...

  4662 Hits

How Leaving the EU is the Only Way to Carry Out Democracy

By now we should have left the EU. Vast swathes of people are incensed. But it is evident that Brexit will only be delivered if the people move to enforce it by neutering an obstructionist parliament. Nothing good will happen until parliament is overwhelmed by the people's desire to leave. Left to its own devices parliament is too much the instrume...

  5951 Hits

The EU, Workers' Rights and the Good Old Trade Unions

It's become a mantra, endlessly repeated by remainer unions: "Workers must not pay the price of Brexit." What price would that be? And how about acknowledging the price of staying in the EU? On 6 July 2017 Michel Barnier, the EU Brexit negotiator, addressed the EU's Economic and Social Committee. His words were noted and passed on to unions in Brit...

  5053 Hits

It Isn't the Government's Job to Frighten the Public

The duty of government is to obey the will of the Nation. To paraphrase that which Professor Dicey said, referring to "the grand principle underlying the conventional precepts of the constitution, in "The Law of the Constitution[i]": "… neither the Crown [which I take to mean the Government] nor any servant of the Crown ever refuses obedience ...

  5236 Hits

Who Will Save Us From The EU's Climate Alarmist Lunacy?

It is uncertain whether the UK will leave the EU on 31st October 2019. Even if we do, there is much work to be done to overturn nearly five decades of EU directives, regulations and rulings which have been imposed on the UK. One of the most egregious examples of such a law is the Climate Change Act 2008. (1) The Climate Change Act implements Direct...

  7751 Hits

A Determined Prime Minister Can Take Us Out

Here is the fantastic Sir John Redwood MP's article first published on Brexit Central ( outlining how the right man can take us out of the EU by 31st October.  For too long we have witnessed this Parliament trying to delay or dilute Brexit. T...

  4998 Hits

The EU, Brexit and Employment Market

Where Unemployment Really Is Before the referendum in 2016 we were told by George Osborne and the Treasury, among others, that 820,000 jobs alone would be lost as a consequence of a Leave vote, causing "an immediate economic shock" but here we are over three years later and unemployment is at its lowest for over 40 years. Those figures published by...

  11297 Hits

How Maggie Was Right About The EU Decades Ago

As the Conservatives elect their replacement for Theresa May over the summer, it's worth looking back to see how crucial it is for a leader that is in line with grassroots views, and currently Euroscepticism is the overwhelming grassroots position among members. Ever since the Maastricht Treaty was signed in 1992 there has been a battle for a refer...

  16494 Hits

There is No Such Thing as No Deal

The withdrawal agreement is not only unjustified but also not required. In the event of the UK's departure from the EU without a withdrawal agreement the EU itself has put in place measures to keep trade open. These range from agreeing to equivalence in financial services, access for hauliers, the continuation of flights, and the transport conventi...

  7465 Hits

We Can Work It Out

 "Life is very short, and there's no time, for fussing and fighting, my friend." (John Lennon and Paul McCartney – 1965 "We Can Work It Out")We had one deadline - 29th March – for leaving the EU, which was inexplicably lost in the mists of political time. (Political time is like real time, but without reality, adherence to deadlines, or t...

  6090 Hits

Why Sovereignty Matters

 The evolution of sovereign states around the world has been an uneven process. Some were founded on shared nationhood, language and culture. Some on lines drawn by colonial rulers. Others out of the chaos of war. But sovereign states have this in common: they are all that now stands between the peoples of the world and utter domination by the...

  5258 Hits

Opinion: Secularisation, Individualism and #indyref2

 In 1964, the film Mary Poppins was released. It captured the mind of a generation and epitomised the sentiments of the turn of the century. Mary Poppins was not ultimately about a magical nanny or a singing chimney sweep, but about duty. It was about the duty of man to his family. Mary Poppins is the story of George Banks, who gives up person...

  4969 Hits

John Redwood's letter to the Attorney General about the Withdrawal Agreement

Below is John Redwood's letter to Geoffrey Cox. The Attorney General has not yet replied, and he needs to.Given the government's difficulty in replying to this, John Redwood is re-issuing it and encourage all to circulate it more widely. The conventional media refuse to ask these questions of the government and supporters of the Agreement.  De...

  6582 Hits

The BBC and Brexit: BBC bias by omission

  Leave and the 'left' 2002-2017, 41 pages, News-watch This News-watch study found that left-wing arguments for Britain to leave the EU have scarcely been considered on the BBC's flagship news programmes. Only 1,198 words across the entire 30 surveys came from left-wing speakers making any sort of case for withdrawal, an average of 86 words pe...

  9502 Hits

Who Governs and by What Right

  6618 Hits

How the "Backstop" breaches international treaties

The backstop is illegal. When speaking with international lawyers they mention a number of difficulties that the EU will discover if they actually try to implement the backstop.   The competence of the 'Withdrawal' Agreement to establish the backstop exceeds its lawful ability, it is Ultra Vires.Given indications from the President of the...

  22043 Hits

Members of Parliament should be careful what they wish for

As we grind inexorably to the Brexit finishing line, we should remember what happened just under three years ago, since it is becoming increasingly obvious that many - in particular our MPs - have either very short or very selective memories. In June 2016, there was a nation-wide referendum when the then government asked the people whether they wan...

  8332 Hits

United States of Europe

The EU is not a market, it is a political project of becoming a single European state, the United States of Europe, as the powers-that-be in the EU have always wanted it to become. The three founding fathers of European union all called for a single European state. Konrad Adenauer said, "My dream is that one day we might be able to applaud a United...

  8829 Hits

Post-Brexit EU control over UK Defence

This article by JOHN PETLEY was published on February 13th 2019 by the Campaign for an Independent Britain The Norway model in defence integration Norway essentially has sub-contracted its security to the European Union. As the EU's defence integration programme has developed over the last two years, the rules for participation by non-member states...

  9519 Hits

Dull but desperate days

  4894 Hits

Fundamental issues and the financial need for a clean Brexit

Fundamental issues and Post-Brexit vision The United Kingdom is at a crossroad, one which will define its future for generations to come. Parliamentarian Brexiteers are playing a pivotal role in bringing about this change of paradigm by making sure the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.Brexiteers' avant-garde mindsets make them the architect...

  5560 Hits

EU directives and the expression of opinion

The economic arguments for leaving the European Union are obvious, but there is also an overwhelming cultural case for Brexit which is discussed less often. Over the last couple of decades, there has been a noticeable increase in what is known as 'political correctness', which has accelerated in the last five or so years. It used to be the case tha...

  10877 Hits

No deal – an opportunity not a problem

  5945 Hits

The Remainer's Revenge

As with a party conference, a lot of the interest in the Brexit circus lies in the supporting acts and side-shows. A recent instance of the latter arose from a spat between the Government and the Justice Subcommittee of the Lords' European Union select committee. This is worth a look, if only because a serious point of principle turns on it. When w...

  5978 Hits

Is there a ‘special place in hell’ reserved for Donald Tusk?

Having listened to the ravings of the men from Brussels as they become increasingly afraid of a 'no deal' scenario, it is heartening to hear the latest outburst from a man who is supposed to show responsible leadership to the EU and the rest of Europe. I am outraged (but rather pleased) by the highly inflammatory comments that Donald Tusk made. I a...

  5222 Hits

Now this is not the end...

  6479 Hits

The strategy of chaos

Did you call me nebulous? The end of year festive cheer was in full swing as politicians exchanged pleasantries.Many pondered whether the leader of opposition called Theresa May a 'stupid woman' and Jean-Claude Juncker may have had equally kind words for our PM. It was rather a turbulent week in British politics - a vote of no confidence in Theresa...

  4619 Hits

Contact us

Director : Robert Oulds
Tel: 020 7287 4414
Chairman: Barry Legg
The Bruges Group
246 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street
London W1B 5TB
United Kingdom
Founder President :
The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG, OM, FRS 
Vice-President : The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick,
Chairman: Barry Legg
Director : Robert Oulds MA, FRSA
Washington D.C. Representative : John O'Sullivan CBE
Founder Chairman : Lord Harris of High Cross
Head of Media: Jack Soames